If you don't like something I say or post on my blog or elsewhere, let me know. Don't tell my mom about it. Don't gossip about me. Don't spread rumors everywhere. Come to the source. Tell me what your issue is. Be mature. Be an adult. (Unless you're under 18, then you can continue to be a child for a few more years.)
If you don't like something I say or post on my blog or elsewhere, let me know. Don't tell my mom about it. Don't gossip about me. Don't spread rumors everywhere. Come to the source. Tell me what your issue is. Be mature. Be an adult. (Unless you're under 18, then you can continue to be a child for a few more years.)
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Anyone is allowed to comment on this blog. As you can tell from reading my blog, I am very opinionated and I'm not afraid to share my opinion. You're welcome to disagree with me as mildly or vehemently as you like, but be aware that I will reply with my own opinions, very strongly. If you don't want that kind of open discussion, or you think it will hurt your feelings, then please avoid posting. I do try to be respectful, but my verbology often comes across as brusque.