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Showing posts from 2025

Valuable values

 I'm a fairly simple man. I just want to live in peace with other people. There are a handful of people that I like and the rest I either tolerate or avoid if I can. But I am a pacifist. I believe that grown ups should be able to resolve their differences with words rather than with physical violence. The only people I've ever exchanged blows with (physically) are siblings and even then I haven't done that in my adult life, only as a child and adolescent. I don't see the benefit in it, just as I don't see the benefit in war. I suppose I can be idealistic, and perhaps I too often give people the benefit of the doubt (mostly because it is the simplest way for me to live my life). So I suppose it was naiveté that led to my belief that most people hold similar values to me--that is, that they eschew violence and embrace harmony. I had hope that people would see Trump for what he is--a bully. But that clearly didn't happen. Even after 4 years of him being a bully pre...