I want this to be the first in a series of posts where I go into detail about my views. The purpose of doing this is to give exposition into my own musings on a given topic with the hope that both people who agree with me and those who do not will be able to better understand my position. The topic for this post will be abortion. I can very quickly summarize my view on abortion, and that is that I don't believe there is any reason or anything which gives me the right to dictate to any woman whether or not she should be able to get an abortion or whether she should or should not do regardless of legality. I have no children, I do not plan on having any children--even through adoption--and I am currently not sexually active with any women nor do I wish to be. There is nothing inherent about myself as a human or through my interaction with any of them which would cause me to feel any sense of entitlement to control which medical procedures she does or does not undergo. I may of...
Life is what you make of it.