We humans aren't always very good at expressing empathy for one another. We probably feel it more often than we express it, and when we express it it may not come across as empathetically as we intended it to. But even then, I think that we don't feel empathy as often as we could--or should. I have lost so many friends over the years I couldn't hope to count them all. Sometimes it's harmless--time or distance allows people to grow apart. Sometimes it's gradual, sometimes it's abrupt. Sometimes it ends very disappointingly for both parties. It may be very hostile or peaceful. Sometimes it hurts more than others. I mean to focus on those times when it hurts deeply. Perhaps it was a close friend, or perhaps the fight which ended the friendship was particularly intense or personal. I appreciate my friends who say things to try to cheer me up when a friend is lost. Most of the comments which people make are, in my opinion, clear...
Life is what you make of it.