There are many things that happen in my life which humble me. Today such a thing happened. But before I describe the event, let me offer some background. I have a student this semester who is brilliant in mathematics. In many way, he reminds me of myself. He is very outspoken in class, never afraid to give an answer, almost always right. After the first day of class, he walked with me and we chatted for a bit. He told me about how much he loved math and all of the things he had learned in high school. I was impressed. And I felt that we would become good friends over the semester. I actually felt many times that I should reach out to him. He seemed to be very bored in class. As far as I could tell, he already knew the material. I thought about talking to him but I was never sure exactly what to say or how to reach out. In hindsight, I suppose I could have offered something outside of class to challeng...
Life is what you make of it.