I find that quite often people have illogical expectations for the world around them. One example is Walmart. Why is Walmart the super corp that it is now? In large part because people like buying things that are cheap. They like low prices. Walmart's "falling prices" campaign works. People want cheap, cheap products. But then they act surprised when they find out that Walmart doesn't pay its employees much. Why is this a surprise? The pressure to push prices as low as possible means minimizing expenses anywhere they are to be seen. This includes employees' pay and benefits. Pay them as little as possible and give them the minimal amount of benefits (which, often, is zero benefits). I'm not defending Walmart. In fact, I'm no longer shopping at Walmart until they do treat their employees better, because low prices aren't as important to me as people being paid fairly. But I do find it ridiculous to want low-l...
Life is what you make of it.