When I attended Dragon Con, I listed to a speech about polyamory, and mentioned that briefly in this post. I was just thinking about this concept and how I feel about it. Personally, I think that what consenting adults do together is their own business, and unless they're spreading disease, it's really of no concern to anyone else, and certainly not to me. But, I'm just thinking that if I had a friend who was in some sort of polyamorous relationship, I would want them to feel comfortable being open about that with me. I would not want to make a friend feel like they need to hide the people who are special to them from me. I think it's sad that most polyamorous people feel like they do need to hide from society, because there is so much judgement from society. And sadly, because that is how society is, any polyamorous friends that I have (now or in the future) are going to be less likely to be open with me about it. But there certainly are thing...
Life is what you make of it.