This is a first for me. I'm actually writing this post in response to a request that I got. (As a side note, I welcome requests from anyone--let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like me to talk about.) Since I wasn't sure exactly how to answer the request with direct monologue, as most of my posts are, I decided to give it in the form of a short story. While I certainly welcome any feedback on my writing, note that the point isn't literary excellence, it's merely to get the point across. And, no, I'm not trying to hide what I'm really talking about here--I expect it to be fairly obvious. I'm just writing it in story form because I feel it will convey the point better. Jack was an eager and ambitious young man. He wanted to see the world. He wanted to get out of the small town he grew up in. He's always wanted this, since he was very young. His teachers would tell him about the different sights to see and the w...
Life is what you make of it.