I wanted to offer some further clarification concerning my post from a couple weeks ago entitled " Do unto others " and expound a bit on that topic. In that post, I gave several examples of the way people had treated me during my transition out of Mormonism. I wanted to make clear the reason for having done this, since the feedback I've received has made me think perhaps I didn't express it as well as I originally thought. In listing all of those things that happened, I did not mean to incite negative feelings toward any of the people mentioned, nor did I wish to elicit sympathy due to the fact that I had undergone any undesirableness. Nor did I wish to imply that any of those particular things were causes for me leaving the LDS faith. The sole purpose for sharing those events was to help those who are faithful, believing Mormons see ways in which their actions--as well-intending as they may be--can sometimes hurt people's feelings. Sometimes, and I know ...
Life is what you make of it.