This is the "I'm an ex-Mormon" video of Kevin Millet. You can read more about him here . I have seen many of these "I'm an ex-mormon" videos during the last couple months since I have become disaffected with the Mormon church. This is one that I can identify with very well. At one point in the video he says that when he left the church he found out that he didn't know what his views were on things--he didn't know what he believed, he only knew what the church told him to believe. I have found the same thing true for me. I soaked in the whole mormon atmosphere--the social aspect, the doctrine, the rituals and practices. I was Mormon inside and out. Haha. I've been watching Star Trek: The Next Generation recently and just as I'm writing this post I got the image of "We are borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile." That is a very good way of describing this emotion. It's as if all of my ...
Life is what you make of it.