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Is it a sin?

I've been thinking a lot about what evidence there is for the case of homosexuality being moral or immoral. Certainly, there are passages in the Bible which can be interpreted to say that it is immoral, but there are also very simple explanations for why those interpretations are not valid.  There are many churches now that currently teach that it is immoral, most of which base that belief of off those passages from the Bible.  But, what litmus test did the Savior give?  He said that ye shall know them by their fruits.

Let us examine, by their fruits, the morality of "the gay lifestyle".  One of the reasons why I held out so long on believing those who say that "gay is ok" is the mere argument that "the world" will tempt you to do Satan's will--they will tell you that something is ok when in fact it is not.  So, let's examine some of those.  Yes, there are people who will tell you that drug abuse is ok.  There are those that will encourage you to get involved in drugs.  But, let's look at the people who have become addicted to drugs.  Are they happy?  Do they encourage other people to become like them?  Do they reach out to other drug addicts and support them in continuing their addiction?  Do they reach out to potential drug addicts and encourage them to become addicted?

Next, let's move on to fornication and adultery.  Yes, there are those that advocate non-committal sex.  There are those that say that marriage is not a requisite for sex--that it's "not a big deal".  But are there adulterer support groups?  Are there those who are truly happy hopping from one person's bed to another?  I am quite aware of many people who do this and who enjoy it, but I am not aware of a single one who has found true fulfillment in such a life.  The only people from whom I have heard any expression of fulfillment are those who have decided to dedicate their life to just one partner.

What other vice should we discuss?  How about lying?  Are those who consistently lie happy in life?  Are there liars who try to protect other liars from the evil society that hates them merely because they're liars?  Are there people who boast of how happy lying has made them in life?  Whenever I have encountered a dishonest person, they are not happy.  Some of them have even come to the point where they can no longer distinguish between what's true and what's false anymore.  Their sense of reality is so blurred as to preclude any possibility of ever knowing right from wrong.  They are not happy because they must continue to uphold their falsities by more lies and more pretension.  And whenever a lie is detected, it usually ends is so much sorrow and pain.

Now let's turn to homosexuality.  Is it a sin?  Is it a vice?  First, let us consider the conflict that exists inside of those who are religious and homosexual.  These are people who love their church, they love their God, and they want to do what is right in His sight.  I place myself in this category.  Yet, they are conflicted inside because what they feel in their heart is not what they are being taught in their church.  How can a feeling of love--a feeling so happy and wonderful--be wrong?  And I'm not talking about the conflict of "I know this is wrong, but I want to do it anyway" that is so often expressed when people are tempted to cheat, steal, do drugs, etc.  I'm talking about a deep-rooted and intense conflict.  If homosexuality were a sin, it seems to me that there would be a greater percentage of these religious people overcoming it and being happy at having overcome it.  But, the majority of those who have tried to "overcome" their homosexuality have merely been left with deep psychological and emotional scars that they may carry with them for the remainder of their lives.  Contrast that with those who have overcome real sins--such as drug addition, sex addiction, etc.  People who have overcome those problems are very happy and glad that they have done so.  And those who are struggling with overcoming it rarely end up with the same psychological scarring that homosexuals develop when trying to cure their homosexuality.

Next, consider the happiness of those individuals who have found a person (of the same sex) that they love and cherish.  If it were a sin, would these individuals not be expected to experience deep regret and remorse?  Then, what is the explanation given in response to thousands of such couples who are sincerely happy in their relationship?  There are people who have been in same-sex relationships for decades and still have no twinge of regret for having done so.  Contrast this with those who have been addicted to drugs for the same period of time.  Many who have been addicted to drugs for that long have died of an overdose, and those who have not live very mean lives--sometimes resorting to other crimes such as theft in order to fuel their addiction.  They are rendered completely useless in society, incapable of maintaining a job and contributing to the community.  Yet, those who are in dedicated same-sex relationships have no such issues.  They are fully capable of maintaining a job, they can contribute to society, they do not need to resort to living off of other people.

The very thing that inspired this post was the It Gets Better Project and many others just like it, including the Trevor Project.  The It Gets Better Project has a channel on YouTube where gay people have uploaded videos of their personal stories about how they were persecuted, bullied, and tormented when they were younger, but they have found peace in their lives.  Many of them include a story about finding a loving partner with whom they now share their life and are quite happy with.  Contrast that with adulterers.  Are there "it gets better" projects for those having affairs?  Are there people uploading videos to YouTube by the thousands, all testifying that they have found true happiness in life by sleeping with a different person each night?  Are there people reaching out to other young people to tell them that it's okay if their parents are mad at them for sleeping around because when they grow up it will all get better?  And yet, thousands of people have added their witnesses to this project on YouTube to tell young gay people that there is hope for a brighter future.  There are suicide hotlines (such as the Trevor Project) specifically for gay teens who are considering suicide because they can no longer handle the bigotry they are facing in school and in their community.  Can you think of any sin or vice that is so supported by any such hotline?

I include here the "it gets better" video of Joel Burns, which has so far (just on YouTube) over 2.5 million views.  This is a city councilman from Fort Worth, Texas testifying in a city council meeting that it gets better--there is hope for a better future for gay people.  It is a very moving and stirring video, and I urge you to watch it if you have not already.

Now, I ask again, is it logical, in light of all the evidence here provided, that being gay is bad?  That being in a dedicated, loving homosexual relationship is sinful?  Why would there be so many people, such as Joel Burns, reaching out to lift the hopes of young gay people in the world and to take a stand against bullying of such people?  Would Joel Burns get so emotional if he were merely supporting a sin that he wanted other people to think was not a sin?  Would it be such an important thing to him that he would offer his own personal phone number (which, of course, he only meant to be broadcast on local TV, not national TV and YouTube) to those who are experiencing bullying due to their homosexuality? Would several large corporations, such as Apple, Google, Disney, and Pixar, all stand behind this project if it were just a sin?  How many sins are publicly advocated by large corporations?  Yes, there may be several people in those companies guilty of immoral acts, but does the company officially publish a video advocating that other people engage in those sins?  No.  Yet, they do stand up and defend homosexuality in a public setting.

I will answer my own question.  I do not believe that it is wrong for a person to love another person--whether it be someone of the same sex or someone of the opposite sex.  I speak out against any voice that teaches that such a thing is bad because in my experience such teaching has only caused more pain, suffering, and suicide than good.  What tangible benefit has come from the teaching that homosexual behavior is sin?  I am not aware of any.  In my own personal life, I can testify that my homosexual feelings have not caused me any sorrow.  When people react negatively to those feelings, I have experienced pain, but from those feelings themselves I have never felt any pain.  In fact, I have acted on my homosexual feelings.  I now have a boyfriend, that I have talked about before, and developing a relationship with him has not brought either one of us one ounce of sorrow, guilt, or regret.  Each one of us has only felt happiness and joy from our budding relationship.  The closer we have grown to each other, the happier we have been.  We both express a deep desire to live in the same city so that we can see each other in person, rather than just talk with each other on the phone and online.  If it were sin, I would feel guilt and regret.  If it were sin, then all of those who have gone before and have lived happy, fulfilled lives in gay relationships would also feel some sort of regret for having done so.  Yet, those who have reported a sense of regret from having done such a thing are very few and their happiness in trying to live a straight life is often questionable.


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