Just last Saturday I came out to one of my friends. Naturally, since he was Mormon, he had many questions and did not accept this news easily. What really startled me was this particular question he asked "How do you feel about the [mormoon] church that was burned down by gays and lesbians because [the mormon church] refused to perform same-sex marriages?" My first thought was "I haven't heard anything about this." followed quickly by "Why are you asking me that?" I still haven't checked the story to see what all the details are, if there is any truth to it. But, according to this friend, a mormon chapel was burned down because some homosexual people were angry at the Church. I felt rather offended that he would ask a question like that. I suppose, in my own mind, he was thinking that since I am gay I therefore identify with everyone else who is gay and so therefore I would take the side of the arson, since it was allegedly performed by a g...
Life is what you make of it.