This is really cool. I started doing a research paper for my History of Dance class and it was just fun. I did a paper on the Waltz. I never knew it had such an interesting history before. When it first appeared in ballrooms it was scandalous. Many different variations of the waltz were created, such as the Viennese Waltz and the American Waltz. Others have since died out, like the hesitation waltz, which is now incorporated into the American Waltz.
I'm rather ashamed to admit that I just recently discovered Christopher Hitchens. And, while I normally add my own thoughts and commentary to videos when I post them here, in nearly every Hitchens video that I've encountered, I have not a single word to add. He is so articulate and does such a good job of presenting his case that I couldn't possibly add anything to it. I would definitely be interested if any of my readers have any comments to make in regards to what Hitches says in this video. Enjoy.
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